Five Year Anniversary: "Things We Found During the Autopsy"
Hi all! It's the five-year anniversary of the release of Kuzhali Manickavel's second collection Things We Found During the Autopsy, and we're celebrating with a 25% discount on all her books on our webstore.
(Use discount code AUTOPSY5. It's good for a week.)
Of all the books we've published this is one of our very favourite. That's partly because we feel a strange kinship with the exploding kleptomaniac penguins who are recurring characters in several of the stories. But it's also because... well, listen to Achal Prabhala, from his review in Africa Is a Country:
Kuzhali Manickavel writes dense, dazzling prose that is thick with local grit and soars in a cosmopolitan wonderland. It’s heartbreaking and beautiful and also completely bonkers. You will find yourself flailing, whether reading her intermittent blog, her first book, or this one, her second, but rest assured that this is the best kind of bonkers; she is incapable of making anything less than perfect nonsense.
AND THERE'S MORE: You can ALSO pre-order her brand new chapbook, "How to Love Mathematical Objects".
We're launching this on October 11 at Akshara Books in Hyderabad, along with another chapbook by Kanakaambaram Emden entitled "The Class V Robotics Notebooks of J. Kokila". (The pre-order link for that one will go up soon.)
Kuzhali will not be there in person--she doesn't do book launches, because reasons--but she WILL be available for an online chat, in disguise, with voice masking, to talk about the finite algebraic group classification theorem and the devastating effect it can have on your internal organs. There may also be some robots in attendance.
So buy some books! Come to our Hyderabad launch! Visit our stall at Hyderabad Comic Con October 12-13!
And to celebrate Autopsy's birthday, spend a few minutes rocking out with Hemanth, Senju Kumar, John, Munaswamy, Koraphera and the gang: