by Kuzhali Manickavel
24 pages. 8.5" x 5.5". 100 g
Zine ISBN: 978938063636
"The Lucy Temerlin Institute for Broken Shapeshifters Guide to Starving Boys: Their Salient Features, How to Find Them, How to Care for Them after They Die, and Four Considerations" is the second chapbook in Blaft's Monographs on Cryptodiversity and Decoherence series.
Kuzhali Manickavel's guidebook offers valuable tips on how to disentangle Starving Boys from older infestations, how to prepare your box for your Starving Boy, and how to consider a Starving Boy as a collection of cloudbursts and thunderstorms.
Illustrations are taken from The Anatomy of the Arteries of the Human Body, with its Applications to Pathology and Operative Surgery, in Lithographic Drawings with Practical Commentaries by Richard Quain (1844).
Kuzhali Manickavel was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, and currently lives in Bangalore. This is her first collection of short stories. She used to blog at
By the same author:
Insects Are Just Like You and Me Except Some of Them Have Wings
Things We Found During the Autopsy
How to Love Mathematical Objects
Eating Sugar, Telling Lies (eBook single)